Our Research Partners

We are very grateful and proud to have a large number of research partners. Our research partners help us design and develop relevant research funding programs and fund and support scientifically excellent, impactful cancer research. Together, we fund more ground-breaking research and provide more opportunities for learning, networking, knowledge-sharing and support.
Alberta Cancer Foundation Logo

Alberta Cancer Foundation (ACF)

ACF creates more moments for Albertans facing cancer by inspiring our community to give to innovation in cancer detection, treatment and care right here in our own backyard. by inspiring our community to give to innovation in cancer detection, treatment and care right here in our own backyard.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2019 - 2024

Co-funding Cancer Survivorship Team Grants

Brain Canada Foundation logo

Brain Canada Foundation

Brain Canada enables and supports excellent, innovative, paradigm-changing brain research in Canada.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2028

Co-funding Breakthrough Team Grants

2021 - 2022

Co-funding Spark Grants

CIHR Institute of Cancer Research logo

CIHR - The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)

CIHR is one of the leading cancer research funders in Canada. CIHR-ICR supports research that reduces the burden of cancer on individuals and families through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, effective treatments, psychosocial support systems, and palliation.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2028

Co-funding Breakthrough Team Grants

2024 - 2026

Co-funding Workplace Cancer Research Grants

2019 - 2024 Co-funding Cancer Survivorship Team Grants
CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction logo

CIHR - The Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health, and Addiction (INMHA)

INMHA supports research to enhance mental health, neurological health, vision, hearing, and cognitive functioning and to reduce the burden of related disorders.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2024

Co-funding Alcohol Catalyst Grants

2020 - 2025 Co-funding Cannabis Research in Priority Areas Team Grants
CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health logo

CHIR - The Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH)

The CIHR-ICRH supports research into causes, mechanisms, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation for a wide range of conditions associated with the heart, lung, brain (stroke), blood, blood vessels, critical care and sleep.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2020 - 2022

Building on the Health Effects of Vaping Catalyst Grants competition in 2020;

2024 - 2029 CCS, CIHR-ICRH and other partners will co-fund Team Grants in Lung Health in 2024
Canadian Partnerships Against Cancer logo

Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC)

A pan-Canadian partnership for better cancer outcomes.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2027

Co-funding Research Training Awards

Cancer Care Manitoba Logo

CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB)

For over 90 years, CCMB has been pursuing scientific discovery to improve patient care. Embedding research into all aspects of cancer control — prevention, detection, treatment, and support — is an essential component of CCMB’s mission.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2027

Co-funding Research Training Awards

2021 - 2023

Co-funding Action Grants

Cancer Research Society logo

Cancer Research Society

The Cancer Research Society funds research on all types of cancer.
Our mission: Fund research on all types of cancer to prevent, detect, and treat this disease.
Our vision: Research is the key to outsmart cancer.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2028

Co-funding Breakthrough Team Grants

2023 - 2027

Co-funding and supporting Research Training Awards

Chordoma Foundation logo

Chordoma Foundation

The Chordoma Foundation invests in research, patient services, and healthcare improvement.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2019 - 2021

Co-funding Chordoma Research Grants

2023 - 2025

Co-funding Chordoma Research Grants

Brain Canada

Brain Canada Foundation Logo
Brain Canada is proud of its transformative partnership with CCS. With our joint investment in cutting edge research, we are accelerating our efforts to tackle brain cancer. Together, we're champions of progress and hope in the fight against this challenging disease.

- Viviane Poupon, PhD, Brain Canada President & CEO

Cole Foundation Logo

Cole Foundation

The Cole Foundation supports research and patient care in the fields of pediatric and young adult leukemia and lymphomas in Montreal.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2026

Co-funding the SynergiQc Program

CQDM Facilitator of biopharma innovation logo

CQDM Facilitator of biopharma innovation

CQDM is a not-for-profit biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to support and facilitate multi-stakeholder collaborative R&D aimed at accelerating the translation of innovative technologies into solutions that address unmet medical needs, while generating significant benefits for the Quebec and Canadian economy.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2026

Co-funding the SynergiQc Program

Leukemia and Lymphoma society of Canada logo

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC)

We won’t stop until there is a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative neoplasms and are able to improve the quality of life of people affected by blood cancers and their families by funding life-enhancing research and providing educational resources, services and support.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2022 - 2024

Co-funding Blood Cancer Quality of Life Grants

2021 - 2022

Co-funding Spark Grants

Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation logo

Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation

The Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation advances the priorities and concerns of its namesake founders, including innovative medical research and practices, free market economic education, and the provision of basic necessities to people in need. The Hecht Foundation also supports other community benefits, including the preservation and celebration of Vancouver, BC's unique built heritage.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2028

Co-funding Breakthrough Team Grants

2022 - 2025

Co-funding Challenge Grants

Movember logo


Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2020 - 2025

Funding Translation Acceleration Grants

2014 - 2020 Funding Team Grants in Prostate Cancer
Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation logo

Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation (QBCF)

QBCF invests in Quebec’s breast cancer patients, its scientific and medical community.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2021 - 2023

Co-funding Action Grants

Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation logo

Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF)

SHRF is the provincial funding agency that funds, supports and promotes the impact of health research that matters to Saskatchewan.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2027

Co-funding and supporting Research Training Awards

2021 - 2023

Co-funding Action Grants

The Terry Fox Research Institute logo

Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI)

TFRI invests in groundbreaking scientific projects that accelerate discoveries for the benefit of cancer patients.

Examples of partnership work we are excited to share:

2023 - 2027

Co-funding and supporting Research Training Awards

Interested in partnering with us? We would love to hear from you.

Please contact us at: