Results of the September 2021 Action Grants competition

We are pleased to announce the results of the CCS/CIHR Action Grants (Action-22) competition. The intent of the Phase 1: CCS/CIHR Action Grants is to motivate Canadians to take “action” to avoid known modifiable risk factors for cancer and to encourage the research and end-user communities to take “action” towards harnessing new ideas, platforms and technologies from within and outside the cancer field to test out bold, novel interventions with the potential to prevent cancer.
70 abstracts were received by the June 23, 2021 registration deadline and 54 were invited to submit a full application based on relevance review. Of the 48 full applications received by the September 10th deadline, 28 have been approved for funding – 58% of all full applications received. These projects total approximately $5.4 million in funding over the full term of these grants and include funds from CCS, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Cancer Research (CIHR-ICR), and our partners: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research-Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health (CIHR-IIPH), Alberta Health, BC Cancer Foundation, CancerCare Manitoba Foundation, Cancer Research Society, Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation, and Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation.
Partner @(Model.HeadingTag)>

In partnership with @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Geographical breakdown @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by research area @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by cancer type @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Competition results by gender identity @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Competition results by career stage @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Abstracts of Action Grant projects@(headingTag)>
Please note:
- Amounts listed below represent the total dollars awarded and may include funds for salaries, supplies, and equipment.
- The start date for these grants is January 15, 2022.
- Only the Principal Investigator is named in this listing. Co-Principal Investigators, Co-Applicants, and/or Additional Authors, Knowledge Users, and/or Survivors/Caregivers may also be associated with these grants.
Below is a list of newly awarded Action grants.
Note Carefully:
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing below, this list does not constitute an "official" notification.
Successful applicants have been informed, in writing, with an official Notification of Award giving the details pertaining to their grant.
McMaster University
Motivational interviewing to promote healthy behaviours for obesity prevention in young adults; a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Prevention strategies and risk reduction for breast cancers
BC Cancer Agency (Vancouver)
Melatonin supplementation as an intervention to prevent cancer in night shift workers
University of Calgary
The Colorectal Cancer Chemoprevention Acceleration and iMprovement Platform (CRC-CHAMP) study
Brunet, Jennifer
University of Ottawa
Effects of combining healthcare providers’ recommendation to exercise with an exercise motivation package on exercise behaviour, quality of life, and body mass index in women at higher risk for breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial
Cole, Adam
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
A pilot project to evaluate the ‘CATCH My Breath’ vaping prevention curriculum in Canada
The Toronto Hospital (General Division) - UHN
Co-developing an intervention to raise immigrant women’s awareness of physical activity and cancer prevention
University of Saskatchewan
Preventing cancer through Métis cultural revitalization: a framework for Saskatchewan
University of British Columbia
Preventing ovarian cancer through the expansion of opportunistic salpingectomy: Uptake, safety and cost-effectiveness at the time of colorectal surgery
University of Toronto
Proof-of-concept of time-restricted eating as a novel lifestyle intervention for breast cancer prevention
CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre
Prévention précoce des cancers professionnels auprès des élèves en apprentissage de métiers semi-spécialisés
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Cytisine: testing its potential as a therapeutic strategy for smoking cessation in subjects with concurrent alcohol use disorder
University of British Columbia
Exercise snacks as a novel strategy in primary cancer prevention
University of Victoria
Family-based just-in-time adaptive physical activity intervention for cancer prevention
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC)
SunFit Project: skin cancer prevention through behavioral risk factor modification targeting sun and ultraviolet exposure practices using sex/gender and community specific approaches
Lofters, Aisha
Women's College Hospital
Advancing cancer and chronic disease prevention in younger adults living with low income: a BETTER Life
IWK-Grace Health Centre
Firefighters preventing cancer/Les pompiers et la prévention du cancer
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Helping people adhere to their varenicline treatment by co creating a conversational agent: A feasibility study
Mir, Hassan
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
An interactive smartphone application to motivate smokers to quit
Laval University
What are my options? A feasibility study of a personalized primary prevention strategy for women and men at high risk of breast and prostate cancer
Lakehead University
Living well together: developing a culturally relevant physical activity and wellness program to address cancer prevention in a Northwestern Ontario First Nations community
Oh, Paul
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute - UHN
Acceleration 3.0
Memorial University
Evaluating the impact of Newfoundland and Labrador’s sugar sweetened beverage tax on price, promotion, and consumption
Manitoba Métis Federation
REACH: Radon Education and Assessment for Community Health
University of British Columbia
RESToRE – Risk Evaluation and Screening to Tailor prevention and Reduce the incidence of Endometrial cancer
Ryerson University
Sun safety app for outdoor workers: a proof of concept intervention with RCT
Memorial University
Reducing cancer incidence through innovative and holistic primary prevention in Newfoundland and Labrador: a pilot study
University of Calgary
Make healthy changes easy: AI enabled dialogue driven app for personalized cancer prevention – risk dialogue
Last modified on: February 24, 2022