Frequently asked questions
The following are some frequently asked questions about our organization. If you have a question about CCS that is not answered here, please contact us at connect@cancer.ca.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we work together with volunteers to:
- fund the most promising research across the cancer experience and across all cancer types
- offer a nationwide support system to help people better manage life with cancer, find community and connection, and build wellness and resilience
- shape healthy public policies to help prevent cancer and support those living with the disease
- educate people on how to reduce their risk of cancer and how some types of cancer can be found early
- provide trusted, evidence-based information about all the types of cancer, with information offered by phone in 200 languages
We provide a support system for people with cancer and their family, friends and caregivers to help them live their lives as fully as possible. Learn more about our services.
We help people:
Find community and connection
Cancer can make you feel alone. We bring people together and offer them a sense of hope. We can provide an online community where questions and concerns are heard and answered.
Manage life with cancer
Having cancer is hard enough. That’s why we offer practical support to help people manage their day-to-day challenges. We can provide:
- reliable, easy-to-understand cancer information on the phone, online and in the community
- a searchable database of community services for people affected by cancer, available online or on the phone
- support in getting to treatment
- assistance with somewhere to stay during treatment
Build wellness and resilience
Cancer can be life-changing. We help people regain hope and their sense of self after a cancer diagnosis and beyond, with services like our wig and breast prosthesis services.
More questions about our support services? Contact us at 1-888-939-3333.
CCS serves Canadians as one nationwide organization, allowing us to operate more efficiently and ensure donor dollars are spent effectively. Our work benefits all people in Canada, regardless of where they live.
CCS is accountable to a board of directors, whose responsibilities include governance, leadership, public accountability, establishing CCS’s priorities and acting as a trustee on behalf of Canadians.
We are fortunate to have thousands of caring and committed volunteers across Canada who are the face of CCS in their communities.
Our dedicated staff team is made up of people with expertise in research funding, advocacy, cancer control, information, support, fundraising and more.
Together, we are uniting and inspiring Canadians to take control of cancer.
Our organization is fortunate to have thousands of caring and committed volunteers across Canada who are the face of CCS in their communities. It’s these dedicated volunteers, along with our corporate partners and generous donors, who help us raise funds to increase our impact for all those affected by cancer.
We fund the most promising research across all cancer types and the entire cancer experience – from prevention to treatment to life with or beyond cancer, as well as supportive end of life care. A team of experts rank research funding applications through our gold standard review process, selecting only the most promising research projects for funding.
Thanks to our holistic approach to cancer research, as well as our rigorous review process, CCS has a rich legacy of fueling discoveries that have helped us better control cancer and improve outcomes for people affected by the disease.
Visit cancer.ca/research to learn more about our diverse portfolio of research grants and awards.
The CCS telemarketing program aims to secure long-term monthly donations. These monthly donations provide our organization with the ability to plan ahead and provide ongoing funding for research projects, information and support programs, and prevention and advocacy initiatives.
For more information about our programs visit cancer.ca/myphone.
A cancer diagnosis can make you feel alone and raise many questions and concerns. For family and friends, caregiving can be a lonely and exhausting experience. Our online community – CancerConnection.ca – helps people with cancer and their loved ones share their experiences and build supportive relationships.
Please visit CancerConnection.ca to learn more.
The Canadian Cancer Society works with government to bring about healthy public policies that will help prevent cancer and improve the lives of people living with cancer and their caregivers. We do this by taking a stand on important cancer issues, raising Canadians’ awareness and understanding about these issues and influencing government to adopt policies that will help make a difference.
We advocate on issues that will:
- Help prevent cancer before it starts, like tobacco control and healthy living
- Support people affected by cancer today, like caregiver support, access to cancer drugs and diagnostics, palliative care and job-protected leave
- Change the future of cancer care, like responding to COVID-19’s impacts and health system funding
You can help us make cancer care better. Be a Voice for Change and join our network of advocates who are committed to preventing cancer and improving the lives of people living with cancer and their caregivers through government action.
In the event the donations raised exceed the total funding need, CCS will redirect funds to where needed the most.
Individuals, families, groups, and organizations who make an eligible online donation of $5 or more will be automatically receipted by CCS. For all other donations (cheque, cash, EFT etc.), all donations of $20 or more will automatically be receipted. If the donation amount is less than either listed above, receipts can be generated if requested. Our registered Charitable Registration Number (11882 9803 RR0001) will appear on all official tax receipts. All donations processed in a given calendar year will be eligible for a tax receipt of that year, including donations mailed and postmarked by December 31st and received in the new year by CCS.
CCS receipts on an ongoing basis throughout the year, in addition to issuing consolidated receipts at year end. You should receive your receipt within 3-4 weeks of your donation being processed. Please note that CCS requires full name as well as mailing address in order to issue receipts, as per the CRA. Receipts are delivered via both mail and email. Please note, emailed receipts come from a system-generated email, and may be directed to your junk/spam folder depending on your email inbox settings.
If, for some reason, you don’t receive a tax receipt, you’ve misplaced a receipt, or you receive an incorrect tax receipt, you can contact us either via email at connect@cancer.ca, or give us a call toll-free at 1-888-939-3333. You can also contact us via either method with any receipting inquiries you may have.
If you are interested in donating goods or services, please contact us at connect@cancer.ca or call 1-888-939-3333 to speak with a representative, as in-kind donations are accepted and receipted on a needs basis. Eligible in-kind gifts will receive official tax receipts.
For questions about donation eligibility, who can claim receipts, or information on claiming charitable donations when filing your taxes, please refer to the CRA website at: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes/charities.html