Engaging people in cancer research funding
What is patient engagement in research funding?

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What it's like being a patient partner

Involving patients in the review process brings a perspective that many researchers are not familiar with. The sense of participating in an important program was rewarding. I found the experience invaluable. In many ways it reignited my interest in the science of cancer. I was able to better understand the challenges facing research funding agencies. Thanks.
— Angus

I am glad the patient voice is part of the review process. I thought each of us added depth and breadth to the discussion based on our lived experience and our personal focus. I think in many cases, applications seen from a non-technical, 'public' perspective added a fresh vision to the debates. Thank you to the patient engagement staff for being so supportive, patient and kind.
— Kathy

[When co-developing the CCS Health Equity Research Grants] I provided three pages of comments, with the first page focusing on the language I didn't like in the proposal as it seemed exclusionary and overly clinical. The heading I used in my comments was "Certain words in grants tend to get my back up". Judit (CCS Senior manager, research partnerships and engagement) called me to go through every comment I made – and I made so many comments! – and as she asked questions I thought, “Wow, they really want to make this program inclusive."
— Lori