Bradley: The Helpline has a very deep well of knowledge in that it covers all challenges that can come with a diagnosis of cancer including emotional support, practical needs, finances, transportation and general information.
Kaur: When asked about our service I like to describe it as a service where the information is delivered in a compassionate and empathetic manner. Our team is eager to listen to every person’s experience and needs to guide them to the most appropriate and helpful resources or information possible.
Kaur: People will express in conversations with us that they feel overwhelmed or they're unsure of what to ask when meeting with their healthcare teams. It's fulfilling to know that our service is able to help individuals feel better equipped when trying to navigate their cancer care.
Kaur: I use our Community Service Locator (CSL) in most of my interactions with our Helpline clients. It allows us to perform a local search to find community resources that are available close to home. We can filter based on the needs of the individual such as free services or resources offered virtually or over the phone.
Bradley: I would absolutely recommend our Community Service Locator. It’s the only resource in Canada that has an entire repository of all cancer related services across the country.
If you or someone you know has questions about cancer, cancer prevention or local cancer support, reach out to a Cancer Information Specialist through live chat, toll-free at 1-888-939-3333 or by email through our contact form. To learn more about the Cancer Information Helpline, visit cancer.ca.