An older couple take a break while hiking in the woods
Ways to give

Northern Ontario Community Campaign

A new 2-year campaign to raise $2 million for cancer prevention and support, and research programs. 

Investing in where we live

An estimated 5,600 residents from Northern Ontario are diagnosed with cancer every year. While our region represents 5.7% of all Ontario residents, the rates of cancer incidence and death are proportionally higher for the size of our population.

Factors that contribute to higher cancer rates in Northern Ontario include:

  • an aging and rural population
  • income inequality
  • delays in screening and diagnosis
  • long travel distances to the nearest clinic
  • lack of regional cancer specialists
  • limited access to support services

While we see advances in detecting and treating all types of diseases, cancer remains a significant health challenge for people in Northern Ontario. By 2030, the number of cases will be almost 80% higher than the number diagnosed in 2015. Investing in regional support programs and research is critical to lessening the burden of cancer on families and creating a better future for our community.

At the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), we are initiating the Northern Ontario Campaign, a new 2-year campaign to raise $2 million for cancer prevention and support, and research programs.

We are committed to providing community services such as our travel subsidy programs and delivering new opportunities to improve healthcare in Northern Ontario. In consultation with community members, we plan to develop, pilot and offer innovative support programs to suit the unique challenges of Canadians who live with cancer and call Northern Ontario home.

How we will support Northern Ontario

The funds raised through the Northern Ontario Campaign will be invested in 5 key initiatives directly connected to our region.

Building for the future

Delivering improved care and treatment in Canada’s remote areas by piloting innovative approaches in Northern Ontario. Distinct services will be developed to address inequality and accessibility problems.

Cancer research
Investing locally and nationally in cancer science and addressing research questions that are based on the needs of Northern Ontario.
Community partnerships
As part of the Northern Ontario Campaign, CCS is working with local partners to identify priority cancer care needs in the community.
Supportive programs
Giving and offering a helping hand through compassionate support, reliable information, and virtual connections. Our programs and services offer support throughout the cancer experience from diagnosis and treatment to living with cancer and life beyond cancer.
Travel assistance
Relieving the costs and barriers of travelling, perhaps thousands of kilometres, to receive a diagnosis or treatment. Getting to and from a cancer clinic is one the biggest indirect burdens for our region.
Three young women smiling outside in winter

Support the Northern Ontario Campaign

By supporting the Northern Ontario Campaign, you will help strengthen and expand cancer care in the place you call home and give people in the region the support they deserve. When you donate, you invest in initiatives in our region. 

Three young women smiling outside in winter

For more information, please contact:

Amy Desjardins

Senior Director, Leadership Giving
