Results of the September 2022 Health Equity Research Grants Competition

The Canadian Cancer Society's Research Strategy places people at its core and aims to deliver results that will significantly improve the outlook of people affected by cancer in Canada by 2040. To achieve this, we are committed to investing in research that seeks to advance cancer-related health equity.
As part of this commitment, CCS launched the inaugural Health Equity Research Grants - Advancing a more accessible and inclusive cancer care system, in May, 2022. The purpose of this funding program is to support research projects that seek to advance cancer-related health equity. Projects must be collaborative, co-created by people both affected by cancer and by structural marginalization, and designed to address the systemic, structural, and institutional factors that sustain health disparities in Canada. Applications should take a social determinants of health perspective in identifying and defining both the health equity need and the community of focus, taking care to consider the intersectionalities of such communities.
We are pleased to announce the results of the inaugural competition.
22 abstracts were received by the July 20, 2022 deadline, and following a relevance review, 21 were invited to submit a full application. Of the 17 applications received, 6 have been approved for funding – corresponding to a 35% success rate for this inaugural competition. These projects total over $1.6M in funding over the full term of these grants.
CCS Research Goals @(Model.HeadingTag)>
Detect - fewer people will be diagnosed with Stage 3 or Stage 4 cancer
Care - people with cancer will live longer and with improved quality of life during and after treatment
Champion - equitable and timely access to innovative and affordable high-quality care for more people in Canada

Geographical breakdown @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by research area @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by cancer type @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Projects relevant to underserved populations @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Competition results by career stage @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Health Equity Research Grants@(headingTag)>
Please note:
Amounts listed below represent the total dollars awarded and may include funds for salaries, supplies, and equipment.
The start date for these grants is December 1, 2022.
Only the Principal Investigator is named in this listing. Co-Principal Investigators, Co-Applicants, Additional Authors, Implementers/Decision-makers, and People Affected by Cancer team members may also be associated with these grants
Below is a list of newly awarded Health Equity Research Grants.
Note Carefully:
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing below, this list does not constitute an "official" notification.
Successful applicants have been informed, in writing, with an official Notification of Award giving the details pertaining to their grant.
University of New Brunswick
Improving mammography for Syrian refugee women in New Brunswick
McGill University
Improving communication between patients with cancer from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and clinicians: A co design of a patient reported outcomes (PROs) screening program
BC Cancer, part of the Provincial Health Services Authority
Building relationships to unlock a community driven research collaboration for redressing cancer related inequities in Vancouver’s urban core
2022 $150,000
Women's College Hospital
Addressing inequities in prostate cancer care for Black men
2023 $111,998
2024 $101,394
University of Manitoba
Distance to care: cancer outcomes for Métis in rural Manitoba
2023 $113,155
2024 $72,050
University of Alberta
Improving equity and wellness in cancer care with racialized advanced cancer patients of African and Latin American descent
2023 $100,000
2024 $100,000
Last modified on: May 11th, 2023